Package Overview

Program Assessment and Goal Setting

  • Conduct an initial consultation to understand your program’s needs and goals deeply.
  • Collaborate with stakeholders to identify key objectives and outcomes.
  • Evaluate program and processes for inclusive practices.

Comprehensive Program Design

  • Create a detailed program design document that outlines the program’s structure, components, and activities.
  • Develop a logical framework that aligns with your goals, highlighting the inputs, outputs, outcomes, and impacts.
  • Co-create the logic model and implementation strategies with stakeholders, ensuring active engagement

Implementation Support

  • Provide guidance and support during the pilot phase to ensure a smooth and effective program launch.
  • Collaborate with your team to address implementation challenges, adjusting strategies as needed.
  • Offer program management, monitoring, and evaluation expertise to ensure successful execution.

Program Evaluation, Iterations, and Adjustments

  • Conduct two follow-up consultations to assess program effectiveness and identify areas for improvement.
  • Analyze key performance indicators and evaluation metrics to measure the program’s impact.
  • Collaboratively make necessary adjustments to enhance program outcomes and optimize performance.

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