This package comprises two main components: Bridging the Gap for Health Impact and Dissemination, Communication, and Evaluation. By combining these two packages, we offer a holistic approach to enhancing healthcare systems and share valuable insights in a culturally appropriate and user-centred manner.
An initial consultation of 30 – 60 minutes will be held to discuss the gaps and assess the support needed. Each subsequent session, as identified through the consultation, will be one-hour in length.

Bridging for Health Impact

  • Stakeholder Engagement and Collaboration:
    • Facilitating meaningful engagement with stakeholders, including researchers, policymakers, healthcare professionals, patients, and community members.
    • Co-creating research dessiminination and knowledge translation plans through collaborative workshops and consultations.
  • Knowledge Synthesis and Translation:
    • Conducting systematic reviews and evidence syntheses to summarize research findings and identify knowledge gaps.
    • Translating research evidence into accessible and actionable formats (such as summaries, infographics, and plain language materials) for diverse audiences.
    • Co-creating evidence and policy briefs to inform decision-makers about the implications of research findings for policy and practice.

The specific services and approaches within the package can be further customized and tailored to align with the particular needs and objectives of the organization/ research project.

Dissemination, Communication, and Evaluation

  • Dissemination and Communication:
    • Developing tailored dissemination plans to reach target audiences with research findings and knowledge products.
    • Creating compelling and impactful communication materials, including infographics, summaries, and plain language documents, to effectively convey research knowledge to diverse audiences.
    • Implementing strategies to foster two-way communication, encouraging dialogue and feedback between researchers, policymakers, and the public.
  • Evaluation Framework Design:
    • Designing robust evaluation frameworks to assess the impact and effectiveness of knowledge translation initiatives.
    • Developing appropriate indicators and measurement tools to capture the target audiences' engagement, and utilization of research findings.
    • Incorporating quantitative and qualitative methods to gather comprehensive evaluation and impact assessment data.

This service package combines the services of Dissemination and Communication and Evaluation and Impact Assessment, focusing on effectively sharing research findings and knowledge products while measuring their impact and effectiveness.


  • Enhanced Collaboration and Engagement by facilitating meaningful engagement and collaboration between researchers, policymakers, healthcare professionals, and other stakeholders, fostering a culture of knowledge exchange and co-creation


  • Increased Research Impact by effectively disseminating findings and promoting their uptake in policy and practice

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